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Ride London is a three day cycling event that started in 2013 as a legacy event from the 2012 Olympics, some of the route is on the same roads as used in the 2012 Olympic road race.

There are several ways to get involved, you can apply for a place in the 100 or 46 mile event by entering a ballot before the closing date and they send out a magazine to let you know if you’ve been successful. There are also thousands of charity places available and most will have a minimum amount for you to raise in exchange for a place. You can also take part as a relay peloton team of four each doing a fixed distance of 25 miles.

The Prudential RideLondon Classique - the richest women’s one-day race in cycling, offers spectators the chance to see the best women’s cycling teams in the world battling it out over 12 laps of a closed 5.5km circuit that starts and finishes on The Mall the inaugural event in 2013 was won by Laura Trott.

The prize money for the Women’s race is the same as the men’s and is the highest ever offered for a women’s one day race.

100,000 people are expected to participate over the the three day event.

There are several amateur and professional events taking place including a closed road family event FreeCycle on Saturday.

Prudential RideLondon Grand Prix: Friday 28 July 2017, 11:00-18:00

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle: Saturday 29 July 2017, 09:00-16:00

Prudential RideLondon Classique: Saturday 29 July 2017, 17:00-18:45

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100: Sunday 30 July 2017, 05:45-17:30 (approx)

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46: Sunday 30 July 2017, 09:00-14:00 (approx)

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey Classic: Sunday 30 July 2017, 13:15-18:15 (approx)

An estimated 150,000 spectators will line the routes to watch the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey Classic.

There are a few hills on the 100 mile route, one of them Box Hill has now become the focus of dread for a lot of riders taking part, it’s not that bad. Leith Hill is the toughest climb of the route and also the hill at Wimbledon which catches a lot of people out because for a lot of riders their legs are getting quite tired by this point and they can feel drained after conquering all the other hills.

Some residents and businesses on the route will be completely cut off due to road closures however loads of notice is given to those directly affected and planning for the events involves the Police, Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Services and other critical services to allow any situation to be dealt with quickly and safely. Emergencies will be treated in the usual way, and the safety of residents and visitors will be dealt with as a priority.

Handcycles, unicycles, Penny Farthings or Electric bikes are not allowed to participate in the ride london100 but this year they are allowing 100 tandems and 50 tricycles to enter.

There are three bypass routes with an optional time and a mandatory time, for example at 11am you have the option to bypass Leith Hill if you are finding the route difficult but if you haven’t passed this point by 13.20pm you will have to use the bypass as the route must be cleared of amateur riders in time for the cyclists in the professional event to race the route.

We have a FLAB cheering squad on the route Ade and Megan will be in Dorking high street to cheer all the FLABS taking part in the 100 mile route. They will have a big flag and if you would like to stop for a selfie with them and they will have emergency jelly babies, hugs and morale support to get you through those last few miles.



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