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Is everything that we know about Fat and Fitness wrong?

The phrase ‘fat and fit’ is one that many think is a myth, the impossible. However, that isn’t the case. 47% of people who are categorized as ‘overweight’ are metabolically healthy. So what does this mean? Is eating pies and burgers healthy?

Well no. Experts understand that body size isn’t within most people’s control, sometimes it’s genetics. So you can try all the diets and workouts in the world but nothing would budge. 

It's a common fact nowadays, that diets don’t work, Atkins, Weight-Watchers–all of them and they never have. Since 1959, research has shown that 95 to 98% of people who attempt to lose weight, end up failing, and two-thirds of dieters gain more weight than they lose. This is caused by the lower rates of metabolism. So when post–diet life occurs and normal eating habits resume, because of the lower metabolic rates, normally you gain more weight since your body isn’t burning anything. Arguably, diets are a waste of time.

Why do people even bother to go on diets? 

You always hear the phrase, “Oh can’t have that, I am on a diet,” most likely hearing it once per day. This restrictive eating schedule is framed around the society’s idea of ‘being fit and healthy’. Cutting out the pies for lettuce, for the sole purpose of fitting into an old swimming cossie from your early twenties–that is five times too small. People who try to lose weight by dieting, are more likely to develop long term mental illness (body dysmorphia, etc..) as they keep a strict track of their calorie intake. Whereas those who are classed as ‘overweight’ improve their physical and mental health when they don’t obsess over the scales. Sure it’s nice to be slim or built like a Greek god but what’s nicer is being perfectly healthy with a lifestyle that benefits you, whilst loving your curves. Thus, arguably in the long run, it is better for you to not cut the calories and allow yourself to still have a healthy diet which includes the pies and mushy peas. 

“Someone can be classed as overweight and have the same BMI as a Rugby player.”

A BMI (body mass index) is the common scale that people use to determine their overall weight. The value is calculated by the body mass and height of the person. So someone could have a poor BMI but that doesn’t mean they are metabolically obsese. Someone can be classed as ‘overweight’ and have the same BMI as someone who has a lot of muscle, i.e. a Rugby player. So technically if you have a bigger body mass, some of that might include a fair bit of muscle. Thus highlighting that a BMI can be incorrect to a certain degree. 

This mindset stems from the label ‘being fit’ and it’s a label that’s not a black and white state – more of a grey area. It’s merely impossible to define how ‘fit’ someone is. It depends on a variety of factors. Fitness is a main factor. For example, is a slim person who does yoga more fitter than someone overweight who cycles? It’s hard to define as 55% of overweight men and 31% of overweight women consider themselves fit and their weight to be healthy.

So, don’t let the numbers fool you, on the scales or on the body calculators. Focus on your overall health and not your weight and you'll be a happier and healthy person for it!

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