Our outdoor gear features technical items for men and women which are just as good for climbing and hiking as they are for biking.
Reimagined cracking shorts with a revolutionary deep, flexible Lycra waist panel which moves and flexes as you move, so they don't dig in around your middle or fall down and expose your bum. A technical stretch, water resistant woven leg on the lower leg repels water and mud, is lightweight and cool and gives you flexibility across your hips and legs as you move.
Our gilets are perfect for hiking and walking on colder days or in case you need to add an extra layer. They easily pack into your bag and are lightweight, so you won't notice iyoure carrying it, until you need it.
For rain showers we have a selection of wind and water resistant and waterproof jacket offering great flexibility, warmth and protection from the elements and will all pack away for easy stowage in your rucksack for when you need them.
Technical T's and long sleeve jerseys in fun designs and traditional muted colours which are breathable and wicking so you won't overheat and become clammy.
Top off your outdoor collection with one of our warm snoods and a Fat Lad At The Back base ball cap.
Our unique sizing system uses your actual body measurements, taking the guess work out of getting the right size shorts and we offer sizes equivalent to high street L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL and 7XL
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